1. The Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICA) is the professional body responsible for the academics and quality of practice of the speciality. ICA aims to achieve quality proven anaesthesia practice throughout India.
  2. It should be made responsible for establishing standards for training of postgraduate education in the speciality.
  3. To formulate training requirements to meet the anaesthesia service needs of rural areas, district hospitals, teaching hospitals, super speciality hospitals and regional centers.
  4. To provide continuing medical education for all practicing anaesthesiologists in the country and their validation.
  5. To maintain liaison with professional association, societies, colleges, universities and commissions concerned with rising of standards of medical education in the field of anaesthesiology.
  6. To co-operate and deal with national and international bodies, agencies, foreign universities and countries for achieving and propagating the objectives of the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists.
  7. To hold responsibility to educate and inform the general public about anaesthesiology, critical care, pain management and other areas coming under the purview of the anaesthesiologists.
  8. To secure and manage funds, endowments for the promotion and implementation of the above objectives.
  9. To conduct experiments in new methods of medical education technology in order to arrive at satisfactory standards of education.
  10. To prescribe and advise courses / curriculum for anaesthesiology at under graduate\ postgraduate level.
  11. To organize post graduate courses, workshops, CME's/ seminars, symposia and training programmes of specialised nature throughout the country.
  12. To undertake, aid, promote, guide and co-ordinate research activities in anaesthesiology and allied areas.
  13. To institute professorships and fellowships, etc for realizing the objectives of the college.
  14. To undertake and provide for the publication of journals, newsletters, leaflets, manuals, textbooks, maintenance of website and utilize advanced information technology and maintain library for the furtherance of the objectives of the college.
  15. To collect, disseminate and publish knowledge about anaesthesiology and allied sciences.
  16. To institute scholarships, research grants and stipends, prizes and awards to promote the cause of the college.
  17. To receive grants in aid in cash or other forms from the government of India, state governments, charitable institutions / trusts, individuals and industry.
  18. To receive with prior approval of the Central Government, monetary assistance from foreign sources including international organizations for the activities of the college.
  19. To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or howsoever any property movable and immovable and to construct, improve, alter, demolish or repair buildings and structures as may be necessary for the convenience for carrying on the activities of the college.
  20. To sell, mortgage, lease, exchange and other wise transfer or dispose of all or any property movable or immovable of the college for the furtherance of its objectives.
  21. For investing funds or money entrusted to the institution, to open such securities or invest in such manner as may from time to time been determined by the management and to sell or transfer, dispose of such investments for the objectives of the college.
  22. To create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts needed and to make appointments there to in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college.
  23. To appoint and hire services or discharge, terminate the service of personnel and to pay them in return for the service rendered to the college, (salaries, wages, gratuities, provident fund and other allowances or remuneration in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college).
  24. To institute a legal cell and an all India panel of eminent anaesthesiologists to advice in all matters related to the practice of anaesthesiology, critical care, pain management or any other field under the purview of the anaesthesiologists.
  25. To maintain uniform standards of teaching and practice in all universities/ teaching hospitals/ corporate hospitals, in India.
  26. Promote super speciality/ sub speciality education in anaesthesiology.
  27. To advise the government the need for manpower (qualifies specialist) based on projection studies and to insist to regulate anaesthesia postgraduate education based on requirements of our country.
  28. To create patient safety foundation and make public aware of anaesthesia patient safety procedures.
  29. The college is linking partnerships with individual universities / colleges, international colleges, association, societies and is looking forward for endorsement with medical council of India, National Board of examinations, Ministry of Health & Family welfare.
  30. In near future, ICA hopes to streamline the academic and clinical practice activities of our speciality aiming to achieve “one country one standard” assuring optimal quality in anaesthesia delivery to all countrymen of our vast nation.